About "The Art of 21st Century Career Navigation"

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

An Event for Mind, Body & Spirit

I am putting together some Recommended Reading Lists for 21st Century Career Navigation hosted at Amazon.com:


As I finalized these lists, I had the opportunity to attend a very inspiring event focused on the connection between mind, body and spirit...held at an arts organization in Florida.

The theme was essentially Creating a Masterpiece of Your Own Life....Before dinner we broke off into seminar groups to discuss a variety of topics including how to financial plan in this economy, reinventing your life perspective, dressing like a god or goddess with what's in your closet, and managing life change. It was an inspiring night with a positive spin, and something you might want to consider organizing with speakers in your local community.

The guest speaker at dinner was Lorna Kelly (see her photo ar right). Lorna had a very successful career at Sotheby's (their first female auctioneer) and has published a book on her spiritual quest including a bout with cancer and her friendship with Mother Theresa. As you can imagine, there was a lot to take in....Lorna got on a plane to Calcutta not knowing if she would meet Mother but after volunteering there, she did eventually meet her and it led to a special friendship. My favorite part of Lorna's talk was when she said if she could not afford a masterpiece (like the Master Paintings she auctioned), she decided she was going "to make her life a Masterpiece"- well said!

As you think about your life or career, I invite all of you to think about the ways in which you can make the world a better place with your God-given talents.... One of the key things I promote in my coaching is to tap into what I call your "Core Strength" to create a brighter future. Some of the most successful men and women I know are keenly aware of both their strengths and their "developmental areas" (note how I do not use the word weaknesses)....

HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENT: Think about your Core Strength (what everyone including you would agree you are best at - if you need help identifying that, try a coaching session) and then write down three ways you can use that strength in the service of others. Wait.... NOW you need to follow through on those three things over the next three weeks. One per week. And lastly, and importantly: please write down how you feel after you engage in this process. I am focused on identifying and engaging your innate talent in both your life AND career.

Have a service-oriented week! And feel free to read our prior blog entries for additional fun homework items,

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